
PYP Visits Park Sami

PYP4 Visits Park Sami On Februrary 14,  PYP 4 students visited Park Sami Abd-Alrahman to have an adventurous Math summative assessment.  Students drew the shapes of things they found around the playground, and took measurements.  Later when they arrived back at MQS, students found the area and parameter of their shapes. ...

2022-02-21T18:46:51+00:00February 21, 2022|Events, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reading Buddies and Mentorships

Reading Buddies and Mentorships Students in MYP started having  “Reading buddy” and "Mentorships” periods, in which they help mentor and guide PYP students with PowerPoint projects, presentations, and their reading skills. "Mentorships" "Mentorships" "Mentorships" "Mentorships" "Reading Buddies"

2022-02-18T13:05:33+00:00November 26, 2021|Events, News, Uncategorized|0 Comments