MYP 5 Graduation Ceremony
MYP 5 Graduation Ceremony
MYP 5 Graduation Ceremony
PYP Exhibition On May 31st, students in PYP 5 welcomed Archbishop Bashar Warda, parents, and guests to Mar Qardakh for their Sharing the Planet Exhibition. Students presented their different projects about renewable energy, sustainable cities and communities, life of land, and life below water.
MYP Exhibition On May 31st, students in the MYP had an exhibition of the projects they created throughout the academic school year. Students presented their personal project, math, I & S, religion, Arabic and science projects to Archbishop Bashar Warda, parents, and guests.
Franciscan University of Steubenville Missionaries On May 17th, MQS welcomed 15 American missionaries from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. For almost three weeks, the missionaries were at Mar Qardakh giving swim lessons, teaching religion for the PYP, teaching philosophy, math, and drama for the MYP, and playing sports ...
IB Evaluation On May 18th, Mar Qardakh finally finished the IB Evaluation with only four recommendations. Thank you to our parents, students, faculty and staff for all of your help and support, but especially for all of your prayers. A special thank you to our Governor, Archbishop Bashar Warda, our ...
PYP Student Led Parent Conference In the month of April, the PYP had another parent meeting. Parents were invited to attend a ten minute meeting led by the students. During this meeting, students showed their portfolios to their parents. They explained to their parents their work and everything they have ...
April 7th Assembly: This month we congratulate the following MYP students for excelling in their IB Learner Profile Attributes: Yanni Methaq (1a) and Damel Ewan (3b) for being a Thinker; for being a Thinker, Stivan Sher (1b) for being a Risk-Taker; Angel Fadi (3a) for being Caring; Maryam Kajjo (2a), ...
MYP 5 students have been working hard on their Personal Projects. Second Personal Project Fund Raiser: On Sunday April 10th, MYP 5 students held another successful fund raiser as they continue to work hard on their personal projects and reports. First Personal Project Fund Raiser: On Sunday March 6th, Cynthia ...
PYP Pajama Party and Easter Fun
KG Students Learning How to Plant Flowers during Spring