Pajama Party
PYP Pajama Party and Easter Fun
PYP Pajama Party and Easter Fun
KG Students Learning How to Plant Flowers during Spring
Easter Activities at MQS KG: Our KG students celebrating Holy Week. PYP: PYP 1 & 2 had fun doing Easter activities in Ms. Rana's class. MYP: All MQS students were invited to participate in the Children's Palm Sunday procession on Saturday, and on Palm ...
PYP 1 having fun at Happy Kids Zone
PYP 1 & 2 in Religion Class
The role of play in students development Play is our brain's favorite way of learning. Play is very important to a child’s development it is an integral part of a child’s early year’s foundation stage and it supports their learning journey too. We believe that through play children can ...
On Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th of March, PYP1, PYP2, PYP3, and PYP4 held a science fair in the school about their unit 4: "How the World Works". The fair included projects that were made by students, and guided by their teachers. Each grade had a special theme to depend ...
Traditional Clothes Day On Thursday March 10th, MQS celebrated Traditional Clothes Day. The PYP and MYP students gathered in the foyer and gym hall to dance together in their traditional clothes representing thier various villages.
PYP Visits Ankawa Museum On Monday February 28th, PYP 2 visited the Syriac heritage museum in Ankawa. Students were exposed to a diversity of cultures, traditions, ideas and time periods. This experience has imparted in students a greater appreciation and understanding of our cultures and traditions.
PYP Visits Erbil's Zoo On February 22nd, the PYP visited the Erbil Zoo to learn more about their current Science unit about living and growing, and the life cycles of different beings. Students had a great time discovering more about different wild animals, their offspring, and their habitats.