Two students from myp2 compete against each other over the chess board.
Over the course of this semester, Mr. Mike (our Economics teacher) and Ms. Rosie (our Literature and Language teacher) ran a chess tournament for over 70 of our MQIS students. Participants ranged from our youngest MYP students to our eldest class of students in HS. Each section had a winner who advanced to the final rounds (with the exception of MYP1 students, who had their own section).
Each day of the tournament was an exciting one, with all the students enjoying testing their chess skills against each other. Miss Rosie was impressed by the positive interactions that occurred during the sometimes stressful matches – “Every student that lost was extraordinarily gracious about the fact, with most students even congratulating their opponent on the win.”
We look forward to seeing how our students’ chess skills will have developed at the next chess tournament at MQIS!
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